Journal 9.1.20

What a gloomy morning! I was up with first light, which filtered in through low gray clouds. It's dry, but cool. A fitting entrance for September, perhaps. I'm sure there will still be days of golden sunshine ahead, though.

I managed to do my work quickly, finishing about breakfast time. A relief to have the day's wages out of the way early so that I can enjoy the rest of the day, gloomy or no. My stomach seems to back to normal. It's looking  more and more like I have developed a lactose sensitivity, bugger it all.

My goals today are simple:

  • Make a batch of vegetarian sausages for dinners this week and camping next week.
  • Finish writing Zine 3 for our Patreon members. 
  • Post up a few more saber plugs in Morrie's Etsy store.
  • Begin outlining my idea for my new project (I'm VERY excited about this. More to come!)
  • and of course, retreat to the balcony with an audiobook and my knitting needles.
In more exciting news, my electric bike shipped yesterday and is slated for a Thursday delivery! My helmet and bike lock arrive today. I also need to get a minipump, tire repair kit, and a bike tool before I go riding for any distances. My goal is to become a self sufficient bike owner that handles all of her own maintenance, but it will take time.

I puttered in and about. Four more dishrags done, no help from the cat. I mixed up the vegetarian sausage batter. That's it wrapped up for steaming in one of my cooking bandanas (bandanas that are only used in the kitchen, standing in for tea towels and cheesecloth).

I took it easy and made the sausage in loaves, since it will be chopped up for foil packet dinners while camping. No need to make actual sausage links!

I finished up the zine, yay! And emailed it to Morrie so she can get it illustrated before publishing date.

Mo also came home early today, so we retreated to the balcony for some day drinking and more knitting. We splurged on take out pizza, at the request of the boy. We only eat out about once a month, so I guess we got it out of the way early for September!

On out evening walk I spotted this maple on campus, already starting to put on its fall colors. It was a sunset walk since we started out later. The sunset over the bay was gorgeous.

I managed to get through most of my list, at least, except for the work I wanted to do on my new project. Ah well, tomorrow is another day!


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