Radical Homeschooling

I haven't talked much about my views on education here, in this space. It's odd really. I've raised two kids, after all. Now, thanks to the pandemic, it seems everyone is schooling at home (which, by the way, is completely different from homeschooling). We were/are radical homeschoolers. The older kid is already an adult and off on his own. We must not of screwed him up too bad, because he's on scholarships and already has one degree under his belt (received at the ripe ol' age of 18) and is halfway through his next degree. And yes, these degrees are from actual colleges. The second kid would be a sophomore if he went to the local school. In truth, I couldn't tell you what grade level he is at. He could probably compete with any high school or community college graduate on even footing, and likely could do better than most. The hardest part about homeschooling is finding shit that isn't full of fake crap because of religion. It seems that if you are...