Sufficiency Vs Reliancy: Or, Why "Preppers" Can't Handle a Lockdown

Okay, that title is a bit of clickbait, but it is the prepper-patriot crowd memes that have been going around that sparked the inspiration for this post. If you haven't seen the memes, here is an example: Although this is stereotyping that all preppers are also lockdown protestors (which I emphatically do not agree with), it does provide some interesting food for thought. What does self sufficiency really mean? Should we actually strive for self sufficiency? Is there an alternative that is a better end goal? Let's break these down. What does self sufficient mean? On its face, being self sufficient sounds like a good goal. We espouse it to our children -- "become a self sufficient adult." When prices go up, we try to find our own way of replacing the expensive item -- "I need to be more self sufficient." My argument is that we really don't know what we are saying. In my own words, which have been influenced by the writings of perma...