Trip Report: Squire Lake

I've been a bit under the weather lately, so the boy and I decided to try a short and easy hike near town. The threat of downpours and landslide risks also influenced our decision, so we headed down to a little park right on the Whatcom/Skagit county line near lake Samish. Squire Lake did not disappoint! We arrived at the trailhead after lunch, probably around noon. There were cars parked on the road but the parking lot was almost empty, so I'm guessing we missed the morning rush :) We ran into two people on the trail and heard a family at one point, so not secluded but not crowded, either. Other than some mud, to be expected in January, the trail was in excellent condition. Sawdust and fresh cuts bore witness to recent trail cleanup from the wind storms, so good job county in maintaining the parks! The boy and I headed out on the squires lake trail loop, then joined up to the beaver pond loop. We got off trail to walk up Squire Rd for a better view of the beaver pond...