A Dirtbag Anarchist Hiker's Manifesto

A time comes in everybody's life, or at least it should, when they seriously question everything that came before. This isn't that time. That time was like two years ago. Now is the time for doing. It's time for a personal manifesto. A Dirtbag Hiker's Manifesto The American Dream doesn't come in a single apple pie-flavored variety. Oh hell no! It's okay, nay, it's more than okay, to prefer something different. Perhaps something a bit more messier with a bit more grit. A bit of bitter, even, to make those sweet moments even sweeter. It's not purely an American Dream, either, but a human dream -- one which we are obligated to pursue if we are lucky enough to be born somewhere with the possibility. Let's embrace it, instead of fighting it. In doing so, we embrace our true selves. 1) I will walk softly on this earth. This means: Eating a primarily plant-based diet and maintaining my own body. Minimizing use of single-use plastics and pl...